The One Academy
Chan Kon Loong
68% of rape cases in Malaysia occur within the family and 50% of offenders are either the victim’s father or stepfather. The family members, especially the mom or victims themselves, usually lack the knowledge as to where to turn for help and how to make a report in a manner that is safe and secure.
Generally - every sexually-matured woman uses sanitary pads, nd this is one product that the males in the family usually avoid.
By collaborating with Kotex, we can use sanitary pad napkin packaging as a mode of communication and awareness to reach out to many victims and provide them with information and contact details whenever they need help.
Tham Weng Yi, Yee Jing Ying, Chong Wan Xin
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga Dan Masyarakat (KPWKM)