The One Academy Penang
Leong Wai Khong
Leong Wai Khong
Bad Superstitions is a short explainer video created in a comic like style. The motion graphics explains what superstition, why Penangites are so accustomed to it and why we still practice it. “Henry’s Superstition” is an mobile app that allows you to explore superstitions and the its meanings behind them in a fun interactive way - Motion Graphics ,Mobile AR Application & Collectible Stickers of Henry’s Superstitions.
Superstition is practiced by Malaysian people even today because of the teachings by the elderly. Many of times, superstition come with either very bad consequences or bring good luck and fortune. Through this project, we aim to debunk the reason behind the practice of superstitions and see how they affect us now. The AR can be played with collectible stickers.
Justin Khaw Jia Min
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