4 Out of 4: The OCD Experience

GOLD Digital Craft - Visual Design for Digital Platforms (includes static and motion graphics made for digital platforms)
4 Out of 4 The OCD Experience.jpg


The One Academy


Foo Yi Chyuan


Foo Yi Chyuan


4 Out of 4 is an immersive audiovisual experience designed to evoke the nuances of the OCD experience within a profound and disquieting environment. Users engage with this experience with headphones and interacting with a fabricated button, serving as a simulated compulsion mechanism triggering a cascade of obsessions and intrusive thoughts presented through number, text and colours. As the compulsion unfolds, the visuals dynamically intensify in chao and reverting to a serene state once the compulsion is alleviated.

Group Members

Sofia Athira Binti Baharudin

Other Credits
