The Power of Intergeneration

MERIT Best Print & Poster - Print & Poster: Single
The Power of Intergeneration PRESENTATION BOARD.jpg
The Power of Intergeneration ARTWORK.jpg


Dasein Academy of Art


Lew Tau Fei


Lew Tau Fei


The generational stereotypes and ageism present a pressing issue in our society. These stereotypes lead to misconceptions where older individuals may underestimate the younger generation’s potential, while younger individuals might overlook the wisdom of their elders. These hinder the prospect of mutual growth and collaboration.

This poster symbolizes the two generations through iconic imagery. The elderly face, represented as a brain, symbolizes wisdom and experience. Conversely, the younger man is depicted through the organ of a heart forming a bicep, representing vitality and energy. When individuals from different generations cooperate, it can lead to stronger families, communities, and societies. The doodling background depicts the various challenges and obstacles that different generations face in their interactions.

This poster aims to encourage recognition and appreciation of each generation’s unique strengths and contributions and to engage viewers in a thought-provoking

Group Members

Law Jia Yee

Other Credits

Designer: Law Jia Yee