
BRONZE Best self-promotion
ZAPFAN 04.jpg
ZAPFAN 03.jpg
ZAPFAN 01.jpg
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ZAPFAN Presentation Board.jpg


Dasein Academy of Art


Lew Tau Fei


Lew Tau Fei


“Zapfan,” is a Chinese-style mixed rice in Malaysia, sibeh steady one, where all mix and match in one plate, just like my design portfolio, tossing all kinds of stuff together to make a ho chiak meal. I mix and match design elements to create a kick-ass portfolio!

In my portfolio, each project is like a dish in a “Zapfan” stall, where I take all these design bits and throw ‘em together like tossing ingredients in a wok. Just like how “Zapfan” always has that trusty, ho chiak steamed rice as the base, my designs are all about being steady bombibi, not always going for the flashy gila babi, you know what I’m saying?

This concept fits my design goal of customizing each project to suit all those needs. The elements might look like they’re from different planets, but when you mix ‘em up, you get this siao char boh excellent, unique design until you breathe fire.

Group Members

Nichole Teo Shung Ern

Other Credits

Designer: Nichole Teo Shung Ern