Smiles Uniting Hearts

MERIT Best Print & Poster - Print & Poster: Single
Smiles Uniting Hearts ARTWORK.jpg
Smiles Uniting Hearts PRESENTATION BOARD-01.jpg


Dasein Academy of Art


Lew Tau Fei


Lew Tau Fei


In this poster, a familiar yellow smiley face has been transformed into the distinctive features of a person with Down Syndrome. This fusion embodies unity, acceptance, and positivity.

The message is clear: “A yellow smiley adorned with Down Syndrome’s unique features radiates boundless joy.” It challenges viewers to question a smile’s authenticity and recognises the beauty of genuine happiness of Down Syndrome individuals.

This poster reminds us to celebrate diversity, and that happiness transcends differences. Down Syndrome people have some of the most beautiful and sincere smiles, symbolising the universal message of unity and acceptance.

Group Members

Chang Sin Yu

Other Credits

Designer: Chang Sin Yu