Diversity Knit Us

MERIT Best Idea for Social Good
Diversity Knit Us 01.JPG
Diversity Knit Us PRESENTATION BOARD.jpg


Dasein Academy of Art


Samantha Pei Wen Cheah, Lew Tau Fei


Samantha Pei Wen Cheah, Lew Tau Fei


In today’s world, judgmental attitudes are increasingly prevalent, leading to division and misunderstanding among people.

The concept for the “Diversity Knits Us” poster is to play with the phrase, making it sound and mean “Diversity Needs Us.” This poster encourages individuals to adopt an open-minded and empathetic mindset towards diversity. The intricate use of different-coloured threads forming the brain intricately weaves the message of open-mindedness, unity, and the power of diverse perspectives. The interplay of colors symbolizes the vibrant tapestry of ideas and experiences that shape a more inclusive world where “Diversity Needs Us” to thrive.

Group Members

Wong Wing Yan

Other Credits

Designer: Wong Wing Yan