Zhuo En Daily

MERIT Best self-promotion
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Dasein Academy of Art


Lew Tau Fei


Lew Tau Fei


I chose to redefine the narrative in a world where headlines typically reserved for extraordinary - groundbreaking successes, global events, and unfortunate losses.

Welcome to Zhuo En Daily, a sanctuary where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary – centered around me, my creativity, and my artistic endeavors.
While newspapers capture momentous occasions, they frequently miss celebrating the daily victories, personal development, and artistic pursuits of individuals.

So, I embarked on a unique journey, crafting a newspaper that places the spotlight where it truly belongs – on the individual and their creative universe. But this newspaper is more than just a portfolio; it’s a window into my world. The divider pages are portals, revealing my quirks, personalities, and characteristics. Each section weaves glimpses of my life, adding context and depth to my creative journey.

So, come along as we navigate the pages of Zhuo En Daily. Here, you won’t find tales of

Group Members

Hew Zhuo En

Other Credits

Copywriter: Hew Zhuo En

Designer: Hew Zhuo En