The Last Legacy of Yang (ocean)

MERIT Best Print & Poster - Print & Poster: Campaign
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INTI International College Subang


Ally Cher Siew Gein


Ally Cher Siew Gein


The Last Legacy of ?(ocean) is a campaign to bring awareness in protecting our beautiful ocean shelter of millions of life underwater. In 2023, Japan’s contentious proposal to dump treated waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean has caused concern and outrage both at home and abroad.

As human rights experts selected by the UN, as well as environmental groups, have spoken out against the idea. Greenpeace has issued warning claiming it does not go far enough in eliminating radioactive chemicals.

The insight come from ?? (Han Zi) Chinese character and Kanji Japanese character are both using the same character. This campaign aim to bring understanding towards Japan society and the rest of the world to understand about the impact of ocean pollution.

Group Members

Tan Kar Hooi

Other Credits
