Dasein Academy Of Art
Lew Tau Fei
International Guide Dog Federation(IGDF)
The IGDF campaign highlights the severe shortage of guide dogs for blind individuals and addresses societal misconceptions about them. In Malaysia, only a very small number of visually impaired people have access to guide dogs, and misunderstandings often restrict guide dogs from public spaces. This campaign aims to raise awareness about this imbalance and advocate for greater acceptance of guide dogs.
Guide dogs play a vital role in providing independence and safety for the blind. However, due to limited resources and societal biases, most blind individuals cannot access this critical support. In Malaysia, guide dogs are even banned, further limiting the independence of the visually impaired.
Use a visual to emphasize the drastic shortage of guide dogs. The poster features thousands of tiny icons representing blind individuals, with only one icon representing a guide dog, arranged to form a visually striking contrast.
“According to data, the ratio of blind individuals to gui
Chew Jia Hui